408 636 2937

Thumb Sucking

Thumb and pacifier sucking habits will generally only become a problem if they go on for a very long period of time. Most children stop these habits on their own, but if they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers when the permanent teeth arrive, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your pediatric dentist.

Thumb or finger sucking are habits that occur in infants. Children usually give up thumb-sucking by the age of four. If the child continues past the age when their permanent teeth start to erupt, they may develop crooked teeth and a malformed roof of their mouth. This results from the frequency, duration, intensity and position of the thumb in the child’s mouth. This can also affect the position of the upper and lower jaw and can also affect speech.

Most children stop these habits on their own, but if they are still sucking their thumbs or fingers when the permanent teeth arrive, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your pediatric dentist. Ask us about the book, “David Decides”, and a product called Mavala.

Breaking the Habit:

  • Wait until the time is right. (low stress)
  • Motivate your child (show examples of what could happen to their teeth, and fingers/thumbs.)
  • Use a reward system. (small incentives will encourage your child to stick with it!)

Call to schedule your child’s appointment today – 408 636 2937

Our Happy Patients

"Dr. Suruchi was so wonderful and patient with my anxious 3 year old. She was very kind and friendly to my daughter during her first dental appointment. Her examination was thorough and professional. My 3 year old didn't even want to leave! We have truly found a gem! I would highly recommend, especially for those little ones."

Jennifer McHenry Jennifer McHenry

"I can trust the staff with my son’s teeth and oral health here at Teethbuddies. They are very welcoming and show compassion for what they do."

Charissa Saludares Charissa Saludares

"Dr. Suruchi a.k.a Dr. Sue is sweet, friendly and knowledgeable! :)"

Amruta S Amruta S.
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